In the summer of 1985...I took a film class at Syracuse University called classic comedys. When I got the syllabus on the first day...the movies we were going to watch and review were---Charlie Chaplin,Laurel and Hardy and Marx Brothers genre type movies-----while I really like all those 1930's comedy's---I raised my hand and said does this mean we are not going to talk about Ghostbusters?
While I got lots of chuckles from my classmates....I am telling you now...this movie will be in the future or even today being reviewed by Film Lovers of all kinds as a Classic. When I asked the question...I was kidding because It was a new movie and honestly while I thought it was funny...I did not realize that 20 years later...I would think it is actually more funny today then it was in the early 80's.
I love Ghostbusters on so many levels. The Dialouge is Crisp....the timing of the ensemble cast is perfect...the plot makes sense...they manage to put in really good special effects for the day and I especially like the non verbal communication between Aykroyd,Ramis, and especially everybodies Favorite Bill Murray as they manage to express perfect comic timing in their facial expressions alone. A personal favorite is the scene in the Mayor's Office when Murray conjectures to the mayor......"and Lenny you will have just save the lives of millions of registered voters and Akyroyd refers to Walter Peck as "Dickless" and Bill Murray chimes in "its true...this man has no dick"
Ghostbusters poignancy today is surely equal to the class of the Marks Brothers and their timeless humor. Buy this DVD today and rewatch a classic + the DVD has all sorts of really cool extras.....Peace Boogie
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