Kennedy Assassination

I may not know much....but there is one thing I do know. The shot that went through Kennedy's throat....The non fatal shot did not Hit Gov.Connally. That is the supposition of the Warren Commission. In the photograph above....Kennedy has already been hit----it is clear from the Zapruder film when he comes pass that sign he is clutching his throat.....Gov.Connally has not even reacted. Now I have heard of people being shot without knowing but his wrist was shattered and he is clearly holding his Cowboy Hat after Kennedy was struck. There may never be enough physical evidence to ever find out the Truth----and this is because Dallas and US Government did such a fucking sloppy job of the whole investigation. There was Traffic on this street 10 minutes later. Why would a Parade route have a sharp left hand turn? Why would some low level mobster not only have access to get into where they were holding Oswald but also give a shit about Killing Oswald? He has been quoted as saying he wanted to spare Jackie the ordeal of a Trial. "RIGHHHHTTTT" That makes a lot of sense....the day after the nation is rocked....this mobster has this on his mind....That Dog dont hunt....
Why was the Autopsy done by a guy with no gun related autopsy experience?
Why? Why do so many witnesses believe they heard shots from the Knoll? Why were the Xrays destroyed. A lot of unanwered questions...I can not believe in 1964...The Warren Commission did not have notes like mine here in there report.

Whats up with the Umbrella...something is fucked up here and dont tell me its blocking the Sun
In the photo above...the mysterious one with the guy with the umbrella opened on a cool november Non - Rainy day....The president has already been shot....the second the camera picks up the prez after he passes this sign...he is violently holding his throat and you can see Gov...Connally has not even reacted. The Warren commission thrives on 3 bullets. We know one misses and hits somebody else...we know one goes through the Prez' throat and one knocks his head off....Which Bullet causes all the wounds to the Governor---
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