Favorite Seinfeld Episodes

If you want the generic list...look it up online elsewhere. Here is my list of best episodes from Seinfeld. ( top 5 but in no particular order )
The Soup Nazi and Masturbation episode are not on this list.
1.) The phone message....George leaves a message on a new girl's answering manchine and finds out that she did not return the call because she was out of town. Jerry and George plot to steal the tape and get caught. ( This is the first episode I remember seeing and fell in love right away )
2.) The Marine Biologist....Yes this one is definitely one of the populars but for this reporter...pure comedy the whole way through....In this episode Jerry actually lies on behalf of George and George replies back (to Jerry) It’s one thing if I make it up. I know what I’m doing; I know my alleys. You got me in the Galapagos Islands living with the turtles. I don’t know where the hell I am! This episode also features the organizer--"love what is good for....absolutley nothing" and
" The Sea was angry that day"
3.) The Lip Reader.... Marlee Matlin guest stars as a BL "beautiful lineswoman". I am not sure why I like this episode so much but Elaine lying about being deaf is up there. When she gets caught...she tells Jerry..."he caught me hearing"
4.) Keith Hernandez...I love the fact that Keith breaks a date with Jerry to go out with Elaine and asks him to help him move and the whole conspiracy theory with Newman and Kramer. Newman appeared in the movie JFK.
5.) The Bubble Boy....Season 4 is really one big episode about Jerry and George writing a pilot for NBC about "nothing". This episode culminated into George getting into a spat with the bubble boy about a trivial pursuit question.
This was the one season I think America and yours truly turned in every single Thursday at 9:00 to see the latest madcap with Jerry,George,Kramer, and Elaine...in my humble opinion the best ensemble team in sitcom history.
Other Great Episodes
Festivus for the rest of us
Bizarro Jerry
George hand Model/Puffy Shirt
When poppy does not wash his hands after using the mens room for number 2
Elaine and George switch personalities
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