

What pisses me off in Hollywood is great ideas that get torn apart in screenplays...I mentioned in an earlier blog how SWF is a good idea that gets obliterated due to lazy screen writing. Ghost worked at the box office because there was good chemistry between the ensemble cast but when you watch it today under the microscope of Cable....the movie really really SUCKS. OK follow me...here...There is an after life...thats established. Swayze---I guess is allowed by God to stick around and walk the earth with only one mission---to warn Molly ( demi moore ) that he was contract murdered and her life is in Danger and his method of communicating with her is by talking through a fraud medium ( Whoopi )who has never spoken with the dead before...In the comic relief....swayze sings 100 bottles of beer on the wall until Whoopi agrees to contact Molly to warn her that her life is in danger ....etc etc....OK now...Whoopi tells Moore like a thousand things that only swayze would know and the rest of the movie and I mean....the entire movie she is still incredulous and doubting. I also love the part about the best friend and partner (Goldwyn) whose plan to embezzle 1,000,000 goes awry and has absolutely no problem with murdering his buddy in cold blood. And get this....in the end when whoopi retracts the embezzeld funds....Instead of the money being returned to the rightful owner....swayze browbeats Goldberg to (instead of keeping it) donate it to an orphanage or something really fucking gay like that....Hey I love orphans as much as the next guy.....but Are you kidding me.......Ghost Sucks......


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